Let go of dieting &

  start living a life of meaning!

Because you’re worthy of a peaceful relationship with food & your body, just as you are.

An image of woman seeking intuitive eating nutrition counseling

Health and wellness are SO much more than what you eat and your exercise routine.

Our culture’s hyperfocus on calories, “macros”, and cleanses, can make us feel obsessed with our bodies and out of control around food. *Cue the guilt & shame* But I’ve found that this food preoccupation is actually the very thing that is keeping us from living as our happiest and healthiest selves. 

I believe that our wellbeing isn't just about our food choices or the number on the scale. Wellbeing is holistic and includes so many facets of life including our mental health, relationships, living environment, stress and much more. That’s why I take a person centered approach in helping my clients heal their relationship with food in order to

start living in a meaningful way and find their true wellbeing.

Do you feel confused, overwhelmed, or stressed out about what to eat?

Are you preoccupied with food choices, exercise plans and attempts to shrink your body?

Are you living your life based on “shoulds” rather than what you truly want?

I get it, I’ve been there too! I know how it feels to be lost and discouraged. And it’s totally understandable living in a society obsessed with health, appearance, and fitness. When we’re busy living based on the expectations of others, it’s easy to get disconnected from our authentic selves. 

But there’s so much more to live for than the never-ending pursuit of the perfect body! I’m here to help you let go of that fantasy & guide you toward

YOUR authentic & meaningful life.

If you’re tired of feeling stuck and filling the void with false promises of dieting, 

I’m here to help you change that!

An image of a chocolate chip cookie eaten from intuitive eating teachings

Hi, I’m Kelly Wills!

Non-Diet Dietitian | Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

As a Registered Dietitian, I provide individualized nutrition counseling to help clients nourish their mind, body and soul.

I believe that you’re the expert of your experience. That’s why I work alongside my clients to guide them toward discovering what feels best for them and getting clear on their personal definition of health.

Utilizing individualized care & a weight-inclusive approach, I’ll help you break free from dieting for good

Kelly Wills registered dietitian who provides intuitive eating nutrition counseling
An image of a brown couch used in nutrition counseling office

Initial Visit

Our first meeting will be 60 minutes. This is the time for us to get to know each other. I’ll offer space for you to share your history and what has brought you to this place in your life. We’ll explore your medical history, past experience with diets, relationship with exercise, and body image struggles. This will provide us a solid foundation for our work moving forward. 

People holding hands and providing support during nutrition counseling

Follow Up Visit

Our follow up visits are 50 minutes each & will be where the bulk of our work happens. We will continue to explore your relationship with food, exercise & body while helping you develop the skills & confidence to navigate struggles in “the real world.” Attunement to your body’s cues, permission to eat all foods, finding joy in movement are just a few tools you’ll cultivate helping you reach your health & nutrition goals. 

An image of women laughing together after finding peace with food through intuitive eating

By letting go of rules around food and redeveloping trust in your body, you’ll feel empowered to navigate food choices and feel at ease in your eating experiences.

I believe that food should be easy & enjoyable. 

And when we heal our relationship with food, we give ourselves more space and energy to live a fulfilling life doing what is most important to us.

No more shame, guilt or shoulds.

Say hello to food freedom, self confidence & your authentic life!

Are you ready to get started on your path to food freedom? 

Book a FREE 15 minute discovery call today to learn more!

Want to learn more about how to feel confident around food & empowered to trust your body?

Download my FREE GUIDE and start your intuitive eating journey today!